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About the ABSK…

Atarashii Budo Shu Kai
An Association of Warriors

The Atarashii Budo Shu Kai or (ABSK) has a duty and responsibility to help others understand where this association of Warriors has come from, what it does and where it is going. We are often asked…

“What is the mission, vision, and purpose of the Atarashii Budo Shu Kai”

This article will provide a further understanding of the A.B.S.K. thus helping you to discover this Association of Warrior Martial Artists, by revealing…

  • Why it was founded
  • How it has developed
  • What the future holds for this warrior association

The Atarashii Budo Shu Kai was created to provide a collective point where military martial artists of like mind and spirit could gather and share with each other openly and graciously the infinite aspects of their individual warrior arts through association and networking.

These warriors were not only striving for a way to provide MWR (Morale, Recreation and Welfare) value to existing and retired service members and their dependents through their respective athletic sports talents (Category I through Category IV).

They also wanted to offer valuable support to tactical (Category V) military and law enforcement personnel, thus supporting those on assigned missions.

The Atarashii Budo Shu Kai, How it Began…


In the fall of 1985, a large group of military martial artists gathered at the Armed Services YMCA just outside the main-gate of Chanute AFB, IL and expressed the need for an association to support themselves and their respective warrior arts.

This need was understood in the knowledge that their military commitments placed demands upon them, their families and their individual martial schools.

These demands precluded the joining of various other existing organizations for which they could not geographically entertain good relations, much less do more than spend hard earned money supporting with very little in return.

For these reasons, along with a desire to have other warriors to foster personal and professional growth and to keep themselves accountable, they established…

The Atarashii Budo Shu Kai,

“New Wine Martial Arts Association”

The goal of the A.B.S.K. is to serve as a council for the purposes of not only supporting each warrior and their respective warrior arts, but also to further develop growth, stewardship, and accountability.

By providing each formerly “Ronin” instructor the opportunity to “stand on his or her own” before the martial arts world, this association provides measurable goals of achievement through over twenty-five (25) different warrior arts.

This idea of individuality, accountability, and stewardship are paramount philosophies of the Atarashii Budo Shu Kai, While each of its associated members stands on their own, they are not alone.

Each member of the ABSK has the time-honored counsel, backing and support of the other Atarashii Budo Shu Kai members should they so choose to learn and grow from the experience and wisdom of those who have gone before.

“Is the Atarashii Budo Shu Kai exclusive in its inclusion of members?”

This is a question that is presented to A.B.S.K. leadership and it’s members from time to time. So, let us offer you the best insight into our membership policies.

We are exclusive, in that we will strive to establish and maintain the highest standards of “traditional martial discipline” in training.

Does that mean only “traditional martial artists” of the purest sense become members? No, but those of a traditional mindset is always attracted to our ways of warrior training.

Many of our older warriors, throughout the years, have learned to adapt by necessity, and out of natural need, further grew their individual specific warrior arts to overcome the growing challenges they have faced.

This is why it’s members have survived the many battlefields they’ve encountered over the last century each with lessons learned, yet not without a price.

These same lessons have kept our younger warriors relatively safe from harm in even our most recent battlefields around the world. In that context, yes, we are exclusive.

Are you still be wondering whom this exclusive warrior martial arts association includes?

Let’s answer this way…

The A.B.S.K. does have certain requirements and standards that one must meet prior to being considered for acceptance.

This is simply a way for us to keep the membership roaster from becoming swelled with individuals who do not share our vision nor do they desire to keep the Atarashii Budo Shu Kai focused on its original mission and purpose.

Membership is strictly based on an invitation by active members of the A.B.S.K. and new members requests must fulfill at least one of the following criteria;

  1. An active retired or former member of the Military (DD Form 214 required)
  2. Any dependent of an active retired or former member of the Military
  3. A member of law enforcement
  4. A direct student of one of the founding or active members of the A.B.S.K.

If one of the above criteria is not met then provisions are allowed which permit an active ABSK member to petition the current Atarashii Budo Shu Kai board.

Said member stakes his or her own credibility by vouching for that individual (Ryu) to be accepted and included under a special membership visa.

The circumstances of each case will be reviewed and then the current ABSK membership will vote based on the findings of the board.

The Atarashii Budo Shu Kai is not looking to swell its numbers by adding members just for the sake of adding members. There are no fees required or expected. You cannot purchase your way into our ranks.

The A.B.S.K. is strictly supported by its active membership.

Active members of the Atarashii Budo Shu Kai are compelled by a sense of commitment and duty to participate in furthering the associations’ mission and purpose.

The support is offered in a variety of ways and is part of an A.B.S.K. members responsibilities.

We hold certain standards precious and those standards must be met or exceeded to remain a member in good standing.

We need not explain those standards, for those who truly belong among us already know them and can accept the counsel, guidance and in a lot of cases, the “constructive criticism” of the seniors, regardless of belt rank standing.

There are 8th Dans of this association who graciously receive constructive criticism of an issue or item when it improves their Ryu’s operations and growth.

We have no room for egos in our association and tolerate nothing less than hard-core confidence coupled with sincere humility.

We are truly an association of warriors and as such we are dedicated to compassionately “serve” our families, our communities, our nation and the world we’ve been blessed with.

With so many other recognized associations and organizations out there we feel we are specifically inclusive, as a result of our American Samurai Spirit shared by so many, recognized by so few except in their time of need.

It wasn’t until recently that our executive board sought provision to include ronin warriors and their respective schools (Ryu) whom previously had no provisions to join our ranks when they indeed shared our philosophy and way of life.

These same warrior sensei and we, the committed warriors, were already protecting and serving.

Please understand that this special situational membership only allows someone who truly has the desire and understanding of the “Samurai” (to serve) heart to petition membership into the association through the reputation of an existing member only.

We make no apologies for our high standards and expectations. Over a hundred years of warrior lineage, blood, sweat and the tears of our families gave us the opportunity to make this stand.

We judge no one and receive judgment from none other than our own. Our standards are high, we have the honor of our predecessors to protect…we are here to train, to teach and to grow in the understanding of this statement:

“Enter in LOVE to earnestly practice the techniques of war, In order to better understand the art of peace.” -Shimahito Ichi-o

Let us close with an old Sioux Warrior Song that sums up the heart of the Atarashii Budo Shu Kai and its membership…

I am the Kit Fox,

I live in uncertainty,

If there is anything difficult,

If there is anything dangerous to do, That is mine.

~ Sioux warrior’s song

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